It's that time! INSTA-Friday! Here's a peek at what I did this week through instagram pictures.
1. I wanted to do a DIY chalkboard craft and I decided to paint our classroom door with chalkboard paint. My students are so excited to see classroom news and reminders as soon as they walk out the door.
2. As I look for things in my huge purse, I am constantly finding my sons cars in there. Ha! I love it, it brings a smile on my face.
3. This was pretty simple to make. Use a small paper plate, draw a swirl, cut it out and glue fall colored leaves around it. Its leaves a lovely FALL touch to the classroom.
4. I completed my student's log in cards. It makes it extremely easy to look up their cards and login into istation or AR.
5. All done with my weather unit. I am very happy with this cute craftivity that will be included into this unit.
6. And I ended this week with a much needed happy hour with some co-workers.
Now its your turn!
Choose a couple of photos from your instagram.
Number them and give a brief description on how your week was.
Share and link up!