Tuesday, January 16, 2018

I'm baaaaaack!!!!

Oh-em-gee!! I know, I know... it's been a really long time since I have blogged. But I'm back guys and I am still teaching cute little second graders. We've been back to school from winter break since January 3rd and we have been learning about weather! During our weather unit we learn about different types of clouds. I first started off by reading a book called Little Cloud by Eric Carl. I then  showed my students a power-point on different types of clouds. 
My students and I worked on an anchor chart together and we gave brief descriptions of each cloud type. I had little clouds already cut out and laminated so that the students can identify which cloud it belongs to. 

We then worked on a cute little foldable that I have been seeing all over Pinterest. Students created their own clouds using cotton balls on the outside flap. They identified 4 clouds; stratus, cumulus, cirrus, and cumulonimbus. On the inside flap, my students gave descriptions about the clouds. 

Tomorrow we will work on our cloud mobile. You can find the template to the cloud mobile in my weather and water cycle unit pack from my TPT store. Here's a picture of what we will be doing. 

I missed you all and it feels so good to be blogging again about teaching!